Saturday, December 22, 2012

Peace, Hope, and Blessings

I have to admit I'm a little late getting into the Christmas spirit this year.  So many sad events in the news and a few in my own life have made this season a bit more somber and reflective than usual.  Really, though, I think that in times like these it is more important than ever to recognize the love and beauty around us.

Mandalas seem to be the order of the day in my journal lately as I find working in concentric circles very soothing.  This morning's sketch is a little looser than my last few...I just sort-of splashed some watercolor on the black and white version and used a white gel pen to highlight and redefine key areas.

I like the yellow rays shooting out from the center all sunny and hopeful.  

Something else that put a smile on my face this week was finding this in the mailbox. 

It's the tag I received as part of the Christmas Tag Swap sponsored by Kirstin McCulloch of Lillibean Designs.  I was thrilled when I opened the envelope.  Isn't she a cutie?  Liza Thomas, the artist who created this beautiful piece, let me know she created the original in acrylics on A4 sized paper, then scanned the image to reduce it to tag size.  I couldn't be happier to receive such a lovely creation!

And, as promised, here's the tag I created for the swap.  Dawn Jones let me know just the other day that her tag from me had arrived so now I can share it with you, too!

The background was created with a watercolor wash sprinkled with salt.  While this dried, I painted a page from an old phone book and cut it to the shape of a star.  Once the background was dry and the star was affixed to it with gel medium, I completed the doodles and lettering with black Micron pens and white gel pens.  I was so happy with the way it turned out and I think Dawn liked it, too!

I think that's just about it for today, this week, and actually this year.  I have a house to clean, presents to wrap, and a fabulous Christmas dinner to shop for and prepare, then I'm going to spend the rest of the holidays focusing on all the goodness and hope I can find in the world around me.  So, unless I get some sort of inspiration that just won't wait my next post will be in January.  I'm excited to share with you about some changes and plans I have for the new year!

Thank you for visiting me here, friends.  I pray you have a blessed holiday season and that we all find the hope and healing we so need.  May there be peace in our hearts, in our homes, and in our world and may we enter the new year with renewed strength.  Blessings to you and yours. 

Linking up today with:


  1. Merry Christmas to you and family. xox

  2. Fun art! Yes, difficult times, look to the light! hope you can enjoy the season. HPPF!

  3. Hello Janice, your mandala is beautiful and shining with hope and love. They are so therapeutic these works, so very good for the soul. I hope you enjoy yourself over Christmas, with loved ones and then just relax and take it easy, it's a great time for just being calm and quiet. Merry little Christmas to you! xx

  4. Your mandala is beautiful! I count finding you as one of my many blessings this season! Thank you for sharing your inspiring work and words! Happy New Year!

  5. I love the colors and design of your mandala. They are therapeutic to do, and soothing to enjoy. Lovely! Let us hope for a Happy New Year.

  6. Both tags are adorable. Blessings, Janet PPF

  7. I love your mandala! Great colors. Happy New Year to you!

  8. Hi there,
    I love mandalas but haven't tried on one myself. I should do this sometime because I could need a little bit of soothing :)
    Lovely tags, the girl really is cute!

    Mandel :)

  9. Hi there,
    I love mandalas but haven't tried on one myself. I should do this sometime because I could need a little bit of soothing :)
    Lovely tags, the girl really is cute!

    Mandel :)

  10. I am a huge fan of mandalas. They are incredibly healing and restorative... I create them whenever I feel a need for resolution in a matter. I am also a huge fan of visual journals and look forward to delving more into your blog! I just posted a blog hop project: Pay It Forward and you might want to join in--my handmade gift will involve a mandala of sorts :)))

    p.s. hopped over here from Amy Riddle's blog (congrats on the Inspiring Blog Award!)


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