Tuesday, December 11, 2012

With All My Heart

This is our first Christmas season since my daughter moved out on her own so our nest is a little emptier this year...things are a little quieter.  With only one chickadee still at home there is less busyness and more time to reflect. 

The Christmas tree is decorated and it is such a blessing to me.  I am especially grateful for the ornaments and decorations from Christmases past.  They remind me of sweet, simpler times when the huz and I were just starting our life together...seasons when we saw everything through the eyes of our young children.  

Along with countless blessings, our family has had its share of challenges this year. Foremost in my mind today, my sister is in the hospital once again.  (Read a little bit about her story in this post.)  It is hard living so many miles away and not being able to spend more time with her there.  Please pray for her.

The Christmas tree, with its warm lights and mementos of hope and love is such a comforting sight. When I was little I often climbed into the corner behind our family tree to stare up at the lights in wonderment.  If my parents came looking for me I remained very still, hoping they wouldn't see me.  Hidden behind the branches and packages, I was in my own secret, sparkling world. 

I'm not curled up behind the tree today, but I am curled up beside it as I work.  I may not be as productive here, but this quiet reverie is so very healing.  Peace is slowly seeping into my being and my heart is at rest.  Time marches on, circumstances change, but life is beautiful and light and love still reign.   I believe this with all my heart.

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.
John 1:5

In this light I place my hope and my future.


  1. Oh so sorry about your sister, I will send prayers on wings for her...Lovely stories of your childhood. All those memories, isn't that what Christmas is all about, it always is for me...xox

    1. Yes...lots of wonderful memories. It's so fun to relive them all...to keep them alive by sharing them.

  2. Loved reading this treasure today. Thank you for sharing and for inspiring reflection. Merry Christmas!

    1. Thank you, Jordan. It totally blesses me that you stopped by. Hope you are doing well.

  3. You have such a wonderful attitude. I love your story about hiding behind the tree, it's so magical. I hope your sister is doing better soon.

    1. Thank you, Lisa. My sister is doing a little better already. She's my hero!

  4. I am so sorry your sister is in the hospital. It must be very difficult being so far away from her. I think it's quite special that you spent the day curled up by the beautiful tree. There is something quite magical about it all.

    Thank you, also, for sharing the story about you being under the tree when you were a little girl. Beautiful images. Could just picture it. :)

    Sending lots of loving light-thoughts your way!

    1. Thanks, Becky. I know you understand all too well what it's like to have too many miles between you and your loved ones, especially at this time of year. I hope you and your precious family have a blessed holiday season.

  5. Firstly, I am so sorry about your sister. Sending all prayers and wishes for her to get better and I hope, in the future, you will get many opportunities to be with her and even then, always know that she will remain forever with you, no matter where in the world she is, alive in your heart and soul.
    Beautiful way to shine your world, by the light of the chrsitmas tree.May you have happy holidays!

    1. Thank you, Duaa. I am so happy...I am with my sister this weekend!


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