Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Mulled Cider + A Big New Project

It's been cold and drippy outside this week but we stay cozy in our warm little house, watching the flames dance around in the wood stove and sipping warm drinks in the evenings.

Our favorite is mulled cider.  The recipe varies depending on what I have on hand, but it usually goes something like this (as you'll see, I'm not too big on exact measurements:

Simmer together: 

a quart or so of apple cider or juice (no sugar added)
a few slices of pineapple 
a few slices of citrus fruit with peel
one stick of cinnamon 
a few whole cloves

That's it...no fuss!  I usually use oranges for the citrus but lemon and grapefruit are also great.  Just use what you have and be creative!

Oh, the aroma of simmering cider makes me so happy as it wafts into my studio!

I apologize for disappearing from my blog without explanation for the past few weeks.  First there were internet issues, then we suddenly decided to jump right into a major project because, well, that's what you do just before the holidays, right?  My kitchen is finally getting a much anticipated face-lift!  Here's the before photo:

I have wanted to paint my cabinets for years, so the first thing I did was sand and prime them, waiting to choose the paint color until the new counter tops were installed.

Progress to be sure, but still a long, long way to go.  Between working on the kitchen and filling jewelry orders I'm going to be a busy girl between now and Christmas!  Here's the situation today...counter tops are in and the long wall of cabinets has its first coat of the yummiest color of white I could find.  The whole ordeal of preparing the cabinets for paint deserves a post of its own, so stay tuned for that.

Not as much drawing and painting as I'd like going on here lately, but plenty of creative momentum!

Wishing my friends in the States a wonderful Thanksgiving Day this Thursday.  The best way I know to stay happy is to cultivate gratitude so let's get out there and count our blessings!!!


  1. Wow, cool! You are doing a really great job! I think your kitchen will look phantastic!

  2. Hi Janice, there's lots going on your way! Your new kitchen will look great, I look forward to seeing the end result, and oh those wonderful moments by the fire with warm drinks, bliss! All the best to you, keep well and warm,

  3. Ooooh, can't wait to see more! I do love a good make-over. ;) Have to say I loved the green in the "before". wishing you and yours a wonderful, productive weekend! blessings ~ tanna

  4. I figured you must be up to something interesting in your absence. What a wonderful project to be getting done. Keep us posted! Love the sound of the cider recipe. I'll give it a try. Thanks, Sharon


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