Sunday, April 28, 2013

Background Music

As I sit at my computer on this quiet Sunday evening the music of our woods drifts through an open window.  The nightly symphony started a few hours ago...tree frogs, crickets and even a few distant coyotes sing their hearts out as the world slows to the deep steady rhythm of night.  

A song of peace and contentment floats through our little house and laughter rings out as we spend the last few moments of this lovely weekend together.  

Tomorrow life will swell to a full crescendo as the busy week gets underway.  (The anticipation of it all inspired the background of today's play with color and line.)  For now, though, the melody I hear is quiet and sweet... like a love song you never get tired of hearing. 

What about your world as it is right now?  If you get still and really listen what songs do you hear playing in the background?  What is the soundtrack to your life?

Linking up today with:


  1. Is that a digital painting fun Janice. Full of the chaos that is life. Cardinals and blue jays, bull frogs and peepers, coyotes and bard owls and a chorus of barks and howls! Life music. xox

  2. Hi Janice great post and great art. It was only today morning (I'm an early riser) that I was listening to the chirping of the birds and felt happy that I had company when everyone in my part of the world was sleeping. Another music of nature that I love to hear is the song of a flowing stream or even a powerful waterfall.
    Have a great week

  3. Lorikeets, cicadas, and crickets - not exactly quiet, but lovely chatter :) Love the painting with its vibrant colours.

  4. Hello Janice, it is so good to tune in to all of natures sounds around us, especially at Spring, soon we will be hearing the swallows in the evening as summer approaches. Thanks for sharing your bright and colorful art and words! xx

  5. Beautiful, Janice. <3 Sorry I haven't been visiting lately - I've missed reading your posts. This post, getting transported to your spring world, is just one of the many reasons why. :)


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